Health & Safety The legal requirement All premises occupiers must conform to the minimum statutory requirements of the EC Health and Safety Directive 90/270. Section 2 in the Annex relating to the requirements to be fulfilled by display screen workplaces states. “Windows shall be fitted with a suitable system of adjustable window coverings to attenuate daylight that fall onto the workstation”. Those responsible who do not comply with the directive face the same penalties as those who do not comply with other Health and Safety Directives. Our Health & Safety Policy The Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 imposes a statutory duty on employers to ensure in so far as is reasonably practicable the health and safety of their employees whilst at work. This duty also extends to others who may be affected by that work. Employees also have a statutory duty to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. To enable these duties to be carried out, it is our intent to ensure that responsibilities for health and safety matters are effectively assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels within our organisational structure. 1. We will, so far as is responsibly practicable, ensure that: Adequate resources are provided to ensure that proper provision can be made for health and safety. Risk assessments are carried out and periodically reviewed. Systems of work are provided and maintained that are safe and without risk to health. Arrangements for use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances for use at work are safe and without risks to health. All employees are provided with such information, instruction, training & supervision as is necessary to secure their safety & health at work and the safety of others who may be affected by their actions. Where appropriate, health surveillance will be provided for employees. The provision & maintenance of all plant, machinery and equipment is safe and without risk to health. The working environment of all employees is safe and without risks to health and that adequate provision is made with regard to the facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work. The place of work is safe and that there is safe access to and egress from the work place. Monitoring activities are undertaken to maintain agreed standards. 2. It is the duty of all employees at work: To take responsibility care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work and co-operate with us in fulfilling our statutory duties. Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety. You have the right to turn down work based under health and safety grounds. 3. General: This Health & Safety Policy will be reviewed at least annually, amended & updated as and when necessary. Communication of any such changes will be made to all employees. There are established and maintained effective procedures for consultation and communication between all levels of management and employees on all matters relating to health, safety and welfare. Detailed reference information for employees can be found in the Employees Information Manual, which is kept in the Reception. Health & Safety Policy For more information call 020 7700 6000 or send an enquiry.